Zach C - St. Louis, Missouri
Attends OC Fusion & Group Fitness Classes 4-6x per week
Initial Goal: 5K
One of my goals before even starting at ULTIFIT was to be able to do a 5K and complete it in under 33 minutes. I ended up beating my goal time by nearly five minutes. I'm very proud of that.
Obstacle Progress: Complete Tough Mudders
I started doing tough mudders, and I know for a fact that I was able to do that and not really struggle because of ULTIFIT.
Current Goal: Improve Laches, Learn Handstand Walks
At the beginning, I wanted to be able to do the salmon ladder and it took me a month or two to figure that thing out. Now my goal is to get better at my lache and do handstand walks. I stay afterward in class and the coach helps me.
Results: More energy and fun, 30 lb weight loss
The very first experience there is very humbling. It makes you want to want to prove to yourself that you can do what those other monkeys are doing, flying all over the gym. I weighed 225 lbs when I started. I've lost 30 pounds, have more energy, and more fun.
Why He Keeps Coming Back: Coaches, close knit community, gym culture
There are obviously going to be times where you struggle, but you build relationships with the coaches. They push you to be better and you don't want to let them down. We're a close-knit family. We aren’t just in there to get a sweat. There's also a culture. We all joke around and have a good time.
Scott B - St. Louis, Missouri
Attends OC Fusion Classes 3x per week
Initial Goal: Build strength, lose weight, feel more comfortable in his body
I see other people in the gym and I want to be on their level. My body and coordination was not there, but mentally I really wanted to be. This felt like a fun, good routine to get into to compete with myself.
Obstacle Progress: Mastering the foundational skill of swinging
Getting the upper body strength to be able to traverse an obstacle, swing from a bar or rings, was the first goal that I have hit now. The skill I am close to being able to do next is to lache — move from one bar to another.
I can see the progress I make because I can do more than I've ever been able to do before. I was always self-conscious and would wear jackets even in 80-degree weather to cover myself up. I feel a lot more confident in myself to put myself more out there because there are places in my body that I am proud of.
Why He Keeps Coming Back: Inspiration, supportive group, gym environment
It's a place to feel comfortable, let loose and be yourself. A supportive group of people that you enjoy being around is really important to have when you go on a fitness journey.
I like to see and be inspired by the people who have competition-level ability. We're at the same gym. We're doing the same thing. They can do it much better than I can, but with time I feel like I can get on their level.
Calvin A - Libertyville, Illinois
Attends OC Fusion & Group Fitness Classes
Initial Goal: Not Get Hurt
The mantra I use is training and don't get injured. What I love about ULTIFIT is that it can be modified to whatever level you are at. My coach is so good at encouraging you and also spotting when you are not doing the exercises correctly, which could lead to injury and not being as effective as it should.
Results: Improved Balance, Reduced Shoulder Pain
My balance when I first got there was awful. I am 60 and balance is so important for people getting older. When weight lifting you don't cover those smaller muscles, but when you work at the ninja gym, those bigger muscles are worked. Also, I used to have shoulder pain in my left shoulder. I can sleep on my left side now because of working the rings, working the A-frame bars, working the cargo net, working the climbing wall, all these things.
Obstacle Progress: Increased ability in races
I was in very, very good shape when I did my first race at 59 years old because I had done Spartan races for a few years. Since doing ULTIFIT, I have added 10-15% on my ability in races, and I have increased my pull-ups and my grip strength, and also my enjoyment of working out.
Recently, I was in an obstacle course race on a ski hill in New Jersey, and I finished third in my age category. Carrying a sandbag up a ski hill was the hardest thing I've ever done. I am in the best physical shape of my life.
Why He Keeps Coming Back: Positive community, effectiveness
I was diligent to work out by myself but working in a group is so much more inspiring. We encourage each other so much. It is a rare thing to experience such a positive workout with people and it is so effective in developing better core strength, upper body, and other things I didn't know were so important for my races but also for everyday life. You get the individualized attention that makes me work harder.
Madeline C - Libertyville, Illinois
Attends OC Fusion & Group Fitness Classes 4-6x per week
Initial Goal: Pull Up
I have always wanted to be able to do a pull up. Even when I was on the college track team, I couldn’t do one. I had been working on it for the last few years without seeing any real progress. I joined the gym in November 2020 and by June 2021 I did my first pull up.
Results: Improved Savage and Combine Games Race
One of the things the classes help with is endurance. Having your heart rate up while running while doing obstacles is the environment of the class itself. You are tired and running the obstacles, which is different from just practicing them in a gym.
Current Goal: Continue OCR Race improvement
During the race I was thinking, this is awesome and I want to train really hard for next year. It will be fun to do it again and continue to see how I can improve. Before I used to think that I could never do that. Now, I know exactly how hard it is but I think I can learn to do it. I understand it takes technique and timing, and it feels less out of my reach.
Why She Keeps Coming Back: Variety, workout structure, personal attention
What keeps me coming back is definitely the variety and the community and the fact that it's a short workout but it's really intense, which is the way I like it. You get to know people, their strengths and weaknesses, and that makes you want to cheer them on when they hit a wall and they're excited for you when you hit a goal.
The small size is really nice too. It feels like one-on-one personal training without the awkwardness of being one on one. You get a lot of individual attention.
Bari B - naperville, Illinois
Attends Group Fitness 2-3x/week
Initial Goal: Consistency
ULTIFIT has worked so well for me in a way that no other structure has because it's never boring. They always keep it new and challenging with different structures and different movements. You never know what's going to happen, and that works really well for me. I just had my four-year anniversary, and I'm still doing exercises that I haven't ever done.
Current Goal: More Chin Ups
The first time I ever hung on a bar, I probably moved about an inch and a half and I thought this is never gonna happen. I finally got my first-ever chin up. So there are always new goals to reach.
Results: Increased health, tone, strength
It's been about feeling strong and getting stronger. I am healthier and feel better. At 49, I'm probably stronger at this point in my life than at any other time in the past.
Why She Keeps Coming Back: Variety, class structure, supportive community
Also, it is legitimately the most supportive community I've ever been a part of. Everybody recognizes that we are all at different points of our own journey.